Thursday, March 5, 2009

and it gets worse!

I am at a loss for words with my son! He is going to grow up to either be in the F.B.I or be the worlds best bank robber! So, last night Nelson and I decided to take away the chairs from his table/chair set in his room because he takes them and uses them as stools to change the channel on the tv in his room and to get up on the counter in the middle of the night. Well, before we went to bed I hear a giant BANG!... I go in there to check on him, and Alex was atempting to move the entire table! I made him get back into bed and told him if I hear another peep out of him I will be taking the tv away tonight. So I dont hear anything else the rest of the night. Then when I go to wake him up this morning for school, he had the whole table in front of his dresser and was watching tv standing ontop of it, with his hand in a bag of chips! Nelson and I were both like how in the world did he get those chips! our snack cupboard is on top of the fridge!.... get this!... our dining room table is the tall kind with the stools, Alex dragged one of the stools over to the fridge, climbed on top of it, then ontop of the fridge and stole a bag of chips! UNBELIVABLE! *sigh* it legal to lock your children in their rooms at night??????

1 comment:

  1. That's not good! Sounds like you might want to take the tv out of his room! Maybe he needs a reward system for not getting out of his bed.
